Gyms can be unclaimed, allied, or rival.
- Choose exactly one Pokémon to stay at that Gym. You become the Gym Leader.
- Gym Leader gets a crown logo, and their Username/Pokémon is listed on gym description.
- When people challenge your Gym, they see your avatar standing behind your Pokémon.
- Choose exactly one Pokémon to add to that gym; make it stronger.
- Fight your own team's Pokémon to practice battling and make the Gym stronger.
- If you win, you get trainer xp and the Gym gets Prestige.
- Prestige makes the Gym stronger and harder to take over, allows Gym to hold more Pokémon.
- Choose 6 Pokémon to take into the Gym battle. Use those Pokémon to fight, in order.
- If you win the Gym battle, it knocks that Gym's Prestige down a ton.
- If you get the Gym's Prestige to zero, you dethrone their Gym Leader and can take it over.
- Combat in Pokémon GO is not turn-based. Every battle is on a visible two minute timer.
- Dealing damage: Tap screen to quick attack, hold screen to charge attack.
- Avoiding damage: Swipe left/right to dodge. Jump to avoid AOE attacks.
- No status conditions in Pokémon GO. Moves can be super effective/not very effective.
- Pokémon in Gyms fully heal after a battle. Pokémon training/challenging remain damaged.
- Pokémon have HP and Stamina bars. Stamina is used for charge attacks.
- You have a camera angle from behind your Pokémon. AR camera can be toggled on/off.
- There are no Pokémon Centers in this game.
- Items must be used to heal. Items are found at PokéStops.
- Max Revive fully heals fainted Pokémon.
- Potion restores 25% HP.
- Super Potion restores 50% HP.
- Hyper Potion restores 75% HP.
- Combat is fast paced and exciting, animation is well done, visuals are colorful and attractive.
- Combat is test of skill. Strategy still relevant.
- Like in Smash Bros, will learn to use specific Pokémon styles.
- I'm very excited. Pokémon GO will change the way we view the world. Pokémon are real, now.
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